How to buy
Please follow these steps to buy on
- If the prices are not visible, please check if you are on the correct site: Europe or Italy. You can easily find out by checking the menu bar.
- Choose the category of your interest.
- Look for the garments that you want and click on the images to see them in detail.
- After selecting the product just click on the “ADD TO CART” button.
- Complete account registration process together with the shipping details form.
- If you are a new customer, please fill up the registration form and press "Save"
- Pick the shipping method.
- Click on the Paypal icon. You will be redirected to the Paypal website to make the payment. You can choose to pay with your Paypal account or card.
- Confirm your order.
- At the end of the process you will receive an email with the confirmation of your order.